Ariana runs up 4 flights of stairs and then runs down 4 flights of stairs. Does this situation represent additive inverses? Explain.



No, pick one 50/50

Yes, this situation represents additive inverses.

To understand why, let's break it down step by step:

1. Ariana runs up 4 flights of stairs. This means she is going in a positive direction, adding 4 flights to her starting point.

2. After running up, Ariana runs down 4 flights of stairs. This means she is going in the opposite direction, subtracting 4 flights from her current position.

In this scenario, running up and running down the stairs can be thought of as opposites or inverse actions. When Ariana runs up, she moves in a positive direction, and when she runs down, she moves in a negative direction.

In terms of addition and subtraction, running up can be represented as +4 (positive 4 flights), and running down can be represented as -4 (negative 4 flights).

When we add +4 (running up) and -4 (running down), the result is 0. This reflects the fact that Ariana returns to her starting point after going up and down the 4 flights of stairs.

So, in summary, Ariana running up and then running down the 4 flights of stairs represents additive inverses because the actions are opposite in direction and result in a final outcome of 0.