what is the famous old saying about building a fire in a kayak?

you can't have your kayak and heat it too

You can’t have a kayak and heat it too


Well, the famous old saying about building a fire in a kayak is "If you want to kayak, don't become a flamethrower operator!" Trust me, setting your boat on fire won't exactly make for a smooth sailing experience. Safety first, my friend!

The famous old saying about building a fire in a kayak is "you can build a fire to keep warm on a frozen lake, but you'll only do it once."

To understand the meaning behind this saying, it's important to consider the context. Kayaks are small boats made from lightweight materials that can easily catch fire and burn quickly. Additionally, frozen lakes are often very cold, so building a fire can be tempting to stay warm.

However, the saying warns against the dangers of building a fire in a kayak. Since kayaks are not designed to withstand high temperatures, the fire can quickly cause the kayak to catch fire and potentially lead to a dangerous situation for the person inside. The saying implies that making that mistake once is enough to learn the lesson and never repeat it.

Something something have your kayak and heat it too