1. Find the product in simplest form 2/5 x 3/7

A. 14/15
B. 5/12
C. 6/35
D. 1/5

2. find the product in simplest form 9/10 x 5/7

A. 1 13/50
B. 9/14
C. 14/17
D. 4/7


I got 2/5 but these are the correct answers

@Mayumi N. Wilson of WACA Sorry, we don't have negative vibes here. Also your trying to get students to get a 0% on their test so thats not cool. Also telling people to "die" Is just a little over the line. Don't be mean because this website is for online help for students who need it plus, your trying to get people to fail their test. I got a 100% so don't do that. I'm just being positive I don't like to start a fight. Imagine if someone went up in your face saying "HEY! SHE GAVE ME 0!! DON'T TRUST HER!! UGHH" When you had the correct answers from the start. Just think about it. Sorry and Have a good day.

Yay!! Thanks so much Answer boy gotcha I got a 100%/5/5 On my test when using your answers!! Hope you all have a great day 💖🤗!!


2/5 x 3/7

Multiply the numerators together.
Multiply the denominators together.

2/5 x 3/7 = 6/35

I'll be glad to check your answer for the second problem.

these are right?

yes they are

Answer boy is right i got a 100

uhhh @cookies :3 what?? ohhh yea maryumi is rude. oh and answer boy gotcha (Whatever his name is) is right

Mayumi N. Wilson of WACA Jeez dude that was rude you never tell a person to die. And maybe you did a different test but do better. And thank you answer boy I got 100

I'm not guessing, I wasn't sure. Thank you for your help though.