why would you use the Turkey-Kramer procedure

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Basic Business Statistics, the choices are:

To test for normality
To test for homogeneity of variance
To test independence of erors
To test for differences in pairwise means


Of course, it tests for pairs of means having differences greater than some specified value.

The Turkey-Kramer procedure, also known as the Tukey-Kramer test or the Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test, is a statistical method used to compare all possible pairs of means in a multiple comparison setting. It is an extension of the Student's t-test, accommodating situations where more than two groups or treatments need to be compared.

The Turkey-Kramer procedure is used in scenarios where you have conducted an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and found a significant difference between means but need to determine which specific pairs of means are significantly different from each other.

To use the Turkey-Kramer procedure, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an initial overall analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess if there are significant differences between groups.
2. If the ANOVA yields a significant result, proceed with the Turkey-Kramer procedure to determine the specific pairs of means that are significantly different.
3. Calculate the Turkey-Kramer test statistic for each pair of means. This statistic measures the difference between the means relative to the standard error (SE) of the difference.
4. Compare the calculated test statistics with a critical value determined from the Turkey-Kramer distribution table or through statistical software.
5. If the calculated test statistic exceeds the critical value, conclude that there is a significant difference between the means of that specific pair.

It's important to note that the Turkey-Kramer procedure is more conservative than some other multiple comparison procedures, meaning it has a lower chance of producing false-positive results. However, it assumes that the data follows a normal distribution and that the variances of each group are equal.

Overall, the Turkey-Kramer procedure is useful in situations where you need to identify differences between multiple groups following a significant ANOVA result, providing a reliable way to conduct pairwise comparisons and make appropriate statistical inferences.