Austin pays $1.50 per day for high speed internet after paying the equipment fee of $35.00. Identify the constant of proportionality that relates his internet charges (y) to the number of days (x) he has internet.

well, y = 35.00 + 1.50 x, so ...

the answer is 1.50

To identify the constant of proportionality that relates Austin's internet charges (y) to the number of days (x) he has internet, we need to understand the relationship between the charges and the number of days.

We know that Austin pays $1.50 per day for high-speed internet after paying the equipment fee of $35.00. This means that the charges are directly proportional to the number of days he has internet.

To find the constant of proportionality, we can use the formula for direct variation, which is y = kx, where y represents the dependent variable (internet charges), x represents the independent variable (number of days), and k represents the constant of proportionality.

In this case, the formula becomes y = kx, where y represents the charges, and x represents the number of days.

Since Austin pays $35.00 as an equipment fee, we need to subtract it from the charges per day to find the actual proportional charges. So the formula becomes y = (1.5x) - 35.

Now we can identify the constant of proportionality by comparing the formula to the general form of direct variation. In this case, the constant of proportionality is k = 1.5.

Therefore, the constant of proportionality that relates Austin's internet charges (y) to the number of days (x) is 1.5.