Using the imparfait tense, I am trying to form "was born." Would it be "néait" (in the il/elle/on form)? It doesn't look right to me..

thats because you you the infinitive. ne is the past-participle.

i believe it is naiturait

Actually, wouldn't it be "naissait"?

The imperfect form of naître in this case is "naissait." Right you are, Anonymous!

Sra (aka Mme)

P.S. Let me add something here! Why do you want the Imperfect = was being born? Depending upon the context, or exactly what you are saying, it would most likely be the passé composé = il est né (elle est née.)

Sra (aka Mme)

I was told to use the imperfect.

To form the imparfait tense for the verb "to be born" in French, the correct form is "naissait" for the il/elle/on (third-person singular) form. The verb "naître" means "to be born," and in the imparfait tense, the conjugation is as follows:

Je naissais - I was born
Tu naissais - You were born
Il/Elle/On naissait - He/She/One was born
Nous naissions - We were born
Vous naissiez - You were born (plural/formal)
Ils/Elles naissaient - They were born

So, in the il/elle/on form, the correct form is "naissait," not "néait." It's important to note that in French, the verb "naître" is irregular, so it doesn't follow the regular conjugation patterns of -er verbs.