Reasoning: the length of a particular object is

X inches.
A. Will this object's length in centimeters be greater than X or less than X ? Explain.

B. Will this object's length in centimeters be greater than X or less than X? Explain.

2.54 cm/in

L in cm = L in inches (2.54 cm/in)

so 2.54 times as many centimeters as inchess

To determine whether the object's length in centimeters will be greater than or less than X inches, you need to understand the conversion factor between inches and centimeters.

A. If we want to convert inches to centimeters, we need to use the conversion factor of 2.54 cm per inch. This means that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

Now, since the object's length is X inches, to convert it to centimeters, we can multiply X by the conversion factor of 2.54 cm/inch. The result will be the length of the object in centimeters.

If X inches is greater than 0, then multiplying X by the conversion factor will yield a result greater than X, because multiplying a positive number with a positive number larger than 1 will always give a larger number.

Therefore, if X is greater than 0, the object's length in centimeters will be greater than X.

B. On the other hand, if X inches is less than 0, multiplying X by the conversion factor will yield a result less than X, as multiplying a positive number with a positive number smaller than 1 will always result in a smaller number.

Therefore, if X is less than 0, the object's length in centimeters will be less than X.

In conclusion, if the length of the object is X inches:
- If X is greater than 0, the object's length in centimeters will be greater than X.
- If X is less than 0, the object's length in centimeters will be less than X.