Please check for errors...THANKS

Plural possessives

Some careers were once mens' jobs.

Any job can also be a woman's work.

A firefighter's job is very dangerous.

Tugboat pilot's training takes seven years.

Dolores's dream is to be an astronaut.

Everyone waited for reports of his plane.

His plane's names was Spirit of St. Louis.

His flight captured peoples' imaginations all over the world.

Some careers were once mens' jobs.


Any job can also be a woman's work.
The possessive form is correct, but you should delete the word "a."

A firefighter's job is very dangerous.

Tugboat pilot's training takes seven years.
only one pilot? or pilots in general?

Dolores's dream is to be an astronaut.

Everyone waited for reports of his plane.

His plane's names was Spirit of St. Louis.

His flight captured peoples' imaginations all over the world.

Normal noun forms:
boy, boys
boy's, boys'

desk, desks
desk's, desks'

church, churches
church's, churches'

Some irregular noun forms:
woman, women
woman's, women's

man, men
man's, men's

child, children
child's, children's

How would you write the forms for the word "people"?

Plural possessives

Here, let's check for any errors in the punctuation and spelling of the plural possessives in the sentences you provided:

1. Some careers were once men's jobs. (correction: "mens'" should be changed to "men's," as the possessive form of "men" includes an apostrophe before the "s")
2. Any job can also be a woman's work. (no error)
3. A firefighter's job is very dangerous. (no error)
4. Tugboat pilot's training takes seven years. (no error)
5. Dolores's dream is to be an astronaut. (no error)
6. Everyone waited for reports of his plane. (no error)
7. His plane's name was Spirit of St. Louis. (correction: "names" should be changed to "name" since we are referring to a single name, not multiple names)
8. His flight captured people's imaginations all over the world. (correction: "peoples'" should be changed to "people's," as we use the plural possessive form of "people" without an apostrophe before the "s")

So the corrected sentences are:

Some careers were once men's jobs.
Any job can also be a woman's work.
A firefighter's job is very dangerous.
Tugboat pilot's training takes seven years.
Dolores's dream is to be an astronaut.
Everyone waited for reports of his plane.
His plane's name was Spirit of St. Louis.
His flight captured people's imaginations all over the world.

No errors were found in the first sentence, and the remaining errors have been corrected.