what is the correct way to say i am going to study tonight in spanish.

Voy a estudiar esra noche.


... esta noche.


Voy a estudiar esra noche.

Bien suerta! (Good luck)

To say "I am going to study tonight" in Spanish, you can say "Voy a estudiar esta noche." Here's how you can break down the sentence to understand it:

1. "Voy a" - This means "I am going to" in English. The verb "ir" (to go) is conjugated as "voy" to match with the pronoun "yo" (I).

2. "estudiar" - This is the verb "to study" in Spanish. It remains unchanged.

3. "esta noche" - This means "tonight." "Esta" means "this," and "noche" means "night."

So, by combining these three elements, you get "Voy a estudiar esta noche" which translates to "I am going to study tonight" in English.