Create a precise illustration of a parallelogram named ABCD. Distinguish each vertex with distinct labels. Highlight the segments AB and DC with one color, and BC and DA with another to signify that the opposite sides are congruent. Emphasize the diagonal AC to indicate its importance in the proof. Draw two superimposed triangles, ABC and CDA, thus symbolizing their congruency. Make sure the image contains no text.

justify the last two steps of the proof.

Given: ABCD is a parallelogram.
Prove: triangleABC = triangleCDA

1. ABDC is a parallelogram 1. given
2. AB = DC and BC =DC 2. opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent
3. AC = CA 3. ?
4. triangleABC = triangleCDA 4.?

last two are 3 and 4. g

D. Reflexive Property of SSS

like seriously tho, there's got to be teachers in disguise as a student to not let students know the answer. yikesss

@MathMate that doesn't help. im not signing up

@SherryKnows i wouldnt be suprized

To justify the last two steps of the proof, we need to use the properties of triangles and the information given in the problem.

Step 3: AC = CA
To justify this step, we can use the property of congruent sides in a triangle. In triangle ABC, we have AB = DC and BC = DC (as given in step 2). Now, if we connect points A and C, we can consider triangle ACB. Since AB = DC and BC = DC, we can say that AC = CA by the property of congruent sides. Therefore, AC = CA is justified.

Step 4: triangleABC = triangleCDA
To justify this step, we can use the property of triangle congruence. In step 1, it is given that ABCD is a parallelogram. Since opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent, we have AB = DC and BC = DA. In step 2, we showed that AC = CA. Now, if we consider triangle ABC and triangle CDA, we have AB = DC, BC = AD, and AC = CA. These are three pairs of corresponding sides that are congruent. Therefore, by the side-side-side (SSS) congruence criterion, we can conclude that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle CDA, which justifies the step triangleABC = triangleCDA.

In conclusion, step 3 is justified using the property of congruent sides in a triangle, and step 4 is justified using the SSS congruence criterion for triangles.

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