by driving a car at a speed of 50km/hr . I reach the airport in 30 what speed should I drive to reach in 25 minutes?

Speed of car = 50 km/hr

Time taken = 30 min = 30/60 hr = 0.5hr
Distance to airport =>
Speed = Distance / time
50 = distance to airport/ 0.5
Distance 50*0.5 = 25km

Required time to reach airport is 25 min = 25/60 hr
Distance = 25 km
Required speed = distance / time
60 km/hr

50 (30/25) = 2*30 = 60

To find the speed you should drive to reach the airport in 25 minutes instead of 30 minutes, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Since the distance to the airport remains the same, we only need to adjust the time. Let's calculate the current distance to the airport.

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 50 km/hr × (30/60) hr

Distance = 50 km/hr × 0.5 hr

Distance = 25 km

Now, since we want to reach the airport in 25 minutes instead of 30 minutes, we need to calculate the new speed using the new time.

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 25 km / (25/60) hr

Speed = 25 km / (5/12) hr

Speed = 25 km × (12/5) hr

Speed = 60 km/hr

Therefore, to reach the airport in 25 minutes instead of 30 minutes, you should drive at a speed of 60 km/hr.