how do I work cite a video from youtube please help me

And also how do I write a paper aobut racism and what sources can I useñ

1. Scroll down on this webpage and click on MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources -- then scroll down until you find the YouTube directions.

2. Racism is an enormous topic. The first thing you need to do is narrow that topic so it's something manageable.

Once you've narrowed your topic, then use the Step by Step and the Info Search parts of this website:

Ok. Im gonna try it looks hard

thanks. dont go anywhere

To cite a video from YouTube in your work, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the citation with the name of the author or creator. If the real name of the uploader is not available, you can use their username.
2. Provide the title of the video in italics.
3. Include the name of the YouTube channel in italics.
4. Specify the upload date for the video. If the date is not available, you can use the date you accessed the video.
5. Add the URL of the video between the angle brackets (< >).

Here's an example of how the citation for a YouTube video might look like in APA format:

Author's Last Name, First Initial or Username. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. YouTube Channel Name. Retrieved from <URL>

As for writing a paper about racism, it's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and thorough research. Here are some steps to help you:

1. Understand the topic: Familiarize yourself with the concept of racism and its historical and social contexts. Research its causes, effects, and different manifestations.

2. Define your focus: Determine what aspect of racism you will be addressing in your paper. For example, you could explore systemic racism, racism in education, or racism in media.

3. Gather sources: Look for credible sources such as scholarly articles, books, journals, and reputable news articles. Consider using databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your school's library resources.

4. Analyze and organize information: Read through your sources, take notes, and identify key points, arguments, and evidence. Organize your thoughts and create an outline for your paper.

5. Develop a thesis statement: Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of your paper. This should guide your writing and help you stay focused.

6. Write your paper: Start with an introduction that introduces the topic and provides context. Use body paragraphs to present your arguments supported by evidence from your research. Conclude your paper by summarizing your main points and reinforcing your thesis statement.

Remember to properly cite all your sources using the appropriate citation style, whether it's APA, MLA, or another format recommended by your instructor.