I previously made a mistake by leaving out an exponent from this expression;Steve wisely pointed out the error.Thank you. Will you please simplify the corrected problem.

(4t)^-2 t^0/t^6 v^-8

Thank you so much.I'll be more careful in the future.

(4t)^-2 t^0/t^6 v^-8 =

[(4t)^-2][t^0/t^6][v^-8] =
[(1/16)(t^-2)][(v^-8)/t^6] =
(1/16)(t^-8)(v^-8) =
Since t^0 = 1 AND Assuming that the
But...Your notation is unclear.
You may also write:
(4t)^-2 t^0/t^6 v^-8 =
[(4t)^-2](t^0)/(t^6 v^-8) =
[(1/16)(t^-2)][(v^+8)/t^6] =
Check how the terms are supposed to be associated.

Actually, besides pointing out the error, I suggested a couple of things for you to use in working the problem. Too bad you didn't make the effort...

To simplify the expression, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the numerical part of the expression.
(4t)^-2 = 1 / (4t)^2
= 1 / (16t^2)
= 1/(16t^2)

Step 2: Simplify the variable parts of the expression.
t^0 = 1 (any non-zero number raised to the power of 0 is always 1)
t^6 = t^(2*3)
= (t^2)^3

Step 3: Simplify the expression by combining the terms.
1/(16t^2) * 1 / (t^(2*3)) * v^-8

Since we are multiplying fractions, we can combine the terms in the numerator and the denominator.

In the numerator: 1 * 1 * 1 = 1
In the denominator: 16t^2 * t^(2*3) * v^-8

Simplifying further: 16t^2 * t^6 * v^-8

When multiplying expressions with the same base, we add the exponents:
t^2 * t^6 = t^(2+6) = t^8

So the final simplified expression is:
1 / (16t^8v^-8)

To simplify even further, we need to consider the negative exponent:
v^-8 = 1/v^8

Therefore, the fully simplified expression is:
1 / (16t^8v^8)