unbroken skin blocks

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Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum BUT if your question is not clearly stated, you will get no answer. Hopefully you are questioning the following:

1. (Broken Link Removed)

2. http://www.prep4usmle.com/forum/thread/16944

3. http://www.anselleurope.com/ansell/ansell-healthcare-news/ansell-healthcare-press-releases-1/index.cfm?i=5984&c=1060

Pathogens from entering your body


I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, based on the phrase "unbroken skin blocks," it seems like you are referring to the concept of intact or unbroken skin acting as a barrier.

When the skin is intact, it acts as a natural barrier to prevent the entry of harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins into the body. The outermost layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is made up of tightly packed cells that form a protective barrier against external agents.

This barrier function of the skin is effective in preventing the penetration of most microorganisms and pathogens. It also helps to regulate temperature and prevent excessive water loss from the body.

To further understand the topic or gather more specific information, I would suggest conducting a search on reputable medical websites or referring to scientific literature in the field of dermatology or immunology. Online medical databases or academic journals such as PubMed or Google Scholar can be useful resources for finding relevant information on this topic.