the equation x=modulus of a function or not.why.

To determine whether the equation \(x = \lvert y \rvert\) represents a function or not, we need to understand the definition of a function.

A function relates each element from one set (called the domain) to exactly one element in another set (called the range). In other words, for every input, there must be a unique output.

In the given equation, \(x = \lvert y \rvert\), we have an expression that relates \(x\) to \(y\). The modulus or absolute value of \(y\) will always return a non-negative value. This means that for a given value of \(y\), the equation will return a positive or zero value for \(x\).

Since each input value of \(y\) corresponds to a unique output value of \(x\), the equation \(x = \lvert y \rvert\) is indeed a function.