At a basketball game, a vender sold a combined total of

sodas and hot dogs. The number of sodas sold was three times the number of hot dogs sold. Find the number of sodas and the number of hot dogs sold

s = 3d

d + 3d = 116

4 d = 116

d = 29
s = 87

Well, at least they didn't sell any clown noses! Anyways, let's try to solve this problem.

Let's say the number of hot dogs sold is "x". Since the number of sodas sold is three times the number of hot dogs sold, we can say that the number of sodas sold is 3x.

Now, we know that the total number of sodas and hot dogs sold is 116. So, we can write the equation:

x + 3x = 116

Simplifying this equation, we get:

4x = 116

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 29

So, the number of hot dogs sold is 29. Since the number of sodas sold is three times the number of hot dogs sold, the number of sodas sold is 3 * 29 = 87.

Therefore, the vendor sold 29 hot dogs and 87 sodas.

Let's assume the number of hot dogs sold is x.

According to the given information, the number of sodas sold is three times the number of hot dogs sold. So, the number of sodas sold would be 3x.

The total number of sodas and hot dogs sold is 116. We can write this as an equation:

Hot dogs + Sodas = 116

Substituting the values we found earlier:

x + 3x = 116

Combining like terms:

4x = 116

To isolate x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 4:

4x/4 = 116/4


x = 29

So, the number of hot dogs sold is 29.

To find the number of sodas sold, we can substitute this value back into the equation:

Number of sodas = 3x = 3 * 29 = 87

Therefore, the number of sodas sold is 87.

To find the number of sodas and hot dogs sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the number of sodas sold as "s" and the number of hot dogs sold as "h".

From the problem statement, we know that the total number of sodas and hot dogs sold is 116. This can be expressed as:

s + h = 116

We are also given that the number of sodas sold was three times the number of hot dogs sold. This can be expressed as:

s = 3h

Now, we can substitute the value of s from the second equation into the first equation:

3h + h = 116

Combining like terms:

4h = 116

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for h:

h = 116/4

h = 29

So, the number of hot dogs sold is 29.

To find the number of sodas sold, substitute the value of h back into the second equation:

s = 3(29)

s = 87

Therefore, the number of sodas sold is 87.

In summary, the vendor sold 87 sodas and 29 hot dogs.