Hello, I got an assignment writing persuasive essay why we should save water? Could plz check my essay and guide me if I need to change anything. Thank You for your help.

Why we should save water. (Persuasive Essay)

Have you wondered why we should save water and how we can save water? Water is very important to us to live and as a natural resource on Earth. If we make good choices we can achieve this goal together to save water.

First of all we can’t live without water. If we wasted all the water on Earth we all would die from hydration. Animals also need water to survive so, the animals can’t survive without water. For example, it’s like having no life without water. Research says, “If we keep wasting water we will run out of natural water soon and filtered salt water is expensive.”

Another reason, water preserves our environment. If we didn’t have water trees couldn’t have been living and trees produce oxygen for us. Therefor we wouldn’t breathe and all die. If there is no water we can’t grow crops, which we eat to live. For example, it’s like being dead, like having no meaning.

Finally, we can save a lot of money by saving water. We waste a lot of water in bathtubs, cooking, gardening, and washing laundry and dishes. For example, to fill a bathtub it takes around seventy gallons of water and a shower takes around twenty-five gallons of water. You can turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth. You can save water by watering your plants between nine P.M. to five A.M., or you can put mulch around your plants to prevent the water in the ground evaporating. There are many things you can do like upgrading energy saving washing machines and dishwasher to save water.

I hope I influenced you with my strong reasons to save water. Next time you turn on water think about my three reasons and use them as a guide for saving water. Save water and save Earth!

Thank you much for your comment and website you mentioned really helped me to learn and improve my essay. soon I will finish final copy of my essay.

If we wasted all the water on Earth we all would die from de-hydration.

I think in the introduction, you ought to comment on just how little Fresh water is on earth. http://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/water-scarcity

I am not so keen on using first person pronouns (I, you) in essays, but that is a matter of choice. Truth is, few folks care what the author feels, or thinks, but they are interested in their arguments, and that is what you hope they remember.

Overall, your persuasive essay on why we should save water is quite good, but there are a few areas where you can make improvements. Here are my suggestions:

1. Introduction: The introduction is generally well-written, but you could try to grab the reader's attention with a compelling fact or statistic about water scarcity or the importance of water conservation. This could make your essay more impactful right from the beginning.

2. Thesis statement: It would be helpful to include a clear thesis statement at the end of your introduction paragraph. For example, you could say something like, "In this essay, I will discuss the importance of saving water due to its necessity for human survival, its impact on the environment, and the potential financial benefits of conservation."

3. Body paragraphs: Your essay consists of three body paragraphs, each discussing a different reason to save water. While your arguments are valid, it would be beneficial to support them with evidence or examples. For instance, when discussing how water is essential for life, you could include a statistic about the percentage of our body that is made up of water or provide an anecdote about the devastating effects of a lack of water in certain regions.

4. Transition phrases: To improve the flow and coherence of your essay, use transition phrases to guide the reader from one paragraph to another. This will help them understand the logical progression of your thoughts. For example, you can start the second paragraph with a phrase like "Furthermore" or "In addition," and similarly, begin the third paragraph with a phrase like "Lastly" or "Finally."

5. Conclusion: In your conclusion, restate your thesis and summarize your main points. Then, end with a powerful closing statement that prompts the reader to take action or think about the importance of water conservation. You could say something like, "By saving water today, we secure a better tomorrow for ourselves, future generations, and the planet. Let's pledge to be water-wise and make a difference."

Remember to proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Reading it aloud can also help you identify any awkwardly phrased sentences or areas that could be improved.

Overall, your persuasive essay is well-structured and conveys your message effectively. I hope these suggestions help you refine and enhance your essay. Good luck!