Estimate the following products or quotients.

To estimate products or quotients, you can use rounding and estimation techniques. Here's how you can estimate:

1. Products:
- Round each number to a convenient place value. For example, if you have 346 and 51, you could round to 350 and 50.
- Multiply the rounded numbers. In this case, 350 * 50 = 17,500.
- This gives you an estimate of the product.

2. Quotients:
- Round the dividend and divisor to a convenient place value. For example, if you have 462 and 18, you could round to 460 and 20.
- Divide the rounded numbers. In this case, 460 / 20 = 23.
- This gives you an estimate of the quotient.

Keep in mind that these are just estimations and may not give you the exact answer, but they can be helpful in quickly calculating approximate results.