Join or Die political cartoon by Benjamin Franklin what do the segments of the snke represent

Have you looked at it? What do those initials stand for, do you think?,_or_Die&h=2696&w=3740&tbnid=TdLeSLBa5wPFwM:&vet=1&tbnh=160&tbnw=221&docid=xwgnb0K_1pZ1TM&usg=__uVHaEQARVDwSWoztDi3BSjrkmK4=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiaoLuS1P7QAhXHhFQKHZAkCHsQ9QEIHzAA


Different branches of the government? i dont know


What do those initials mean?

ah come on !!!!

In the "Join, or Die" political cartoon created by Benjamin Franklin, the segmented snake represents a call for unity amongst the British colonies in North America during the French and Indian War. Each segment of the snake represents a different colony or region, and the message conveyed is that if the colonies do not unite against their common enemies, they will be defeated individually.

To understand the symbolism conveyed by the segments of the snake, it is important to analyze the historical context. The cartoon was published in 1754 when tensions were rising between the British colonies and the French, who were supported by Native American allies. The purpose of the cartoon was to encourage the colonies to unite and fight together against their shared threats.

The snake is divided into eight segments which represent eight of the thirteen British colonies: New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. Franklin deliberately excluded the colonies that did not support the Albany Plan of Union, which aimed at forming a centralized government for the colonies.

By depicting the colonies as separate segments, Franklin highlighted their vulnerability when divided and emphasized the urgent need for cooperation. The caption, "Join, or Die," urgently implores the colonies to unite, suggesting that without unity, they would be easily defeated and destroyed.

It is important to note that while the cartoon aimed at promoting unity, the Albany Plan of Union ultimately failed to gain support from the colonies or the British government. However, "Join, or Die" later became an iconic symbol of American independence and was often used during the Revolutionary War to rally support for the fight against British rule.