Create an image that metaphorically represents the concept of literary devices and questions, but without any visible text. The image should depict four key elements tied to the questions: a narrator intertwined within his own narrative, suggesting first-person perspective; a clock or calendar to denote the time period of a plot, indicating the setting; two characters in a posture of conflict, representing character-to-character struggle; and finally a scarlet ibis, which symbolizes foreshadowing of an event. Make sure the theme of literary analysis shines through and pertains to the essence of the questions.

1. A narrator who is also a character in the story is?

a. first person
b. second person**
c. third person limited
d. third person omniscient

2. Which of the following details would be considered part of the setting?

a. the resolution of the plot
b. the time period of the plot**
c. the dialect of the main character
d. the conflict of the main character

3. In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," Walter uses fantasies to escape the constant scolding of his wife. What type of conflict is this?

a. character vs. nature
b. character vs. society
c. character vs. character**
d. character vs. himself

4. In "The Scarlet Ibis," what does the scarlet ibis symbolize?

a. pride and selfishness
b. a longing for beauty
c. a foreshadowing of Doodle's death**
d. conflict between siblings

A. First Person

A. First Person
B.In various American cities between 1930-1960
D. man vs self
D. sadness at the loss of youth
A. the fragility of life
C. to persuade the readers with stories from his college days and his professor's quotations.
D. simile and imagery
B. his carelessness
C. Ted shook his head and ran his hand through his curly blond hair before answering
B. an illustration comparing the height and extent of the tsunami to normal sea level
A. "But when too much of the atmosphere is made up of greenhouse gases, it leads to global warming."
B. 2007
B. a profile of one of the survivors of the crash.
B. "and changing everything carefully"
D. deep bitterness
A. to tell an uplifting story
D. Like it or not, advertising is necessary to our economy.
C. simile
B. a memory sequence that interrupts the chronological order of events.
B. proper noun
C. linking verb
A. Never make the same mistake twice.
C. shrieked
C. appositive phrase
A. adverbial clause
A. phrase fragment
C. independent clause
C. independent clause
D. adjective clause
B. complex
A. compound
A. simple
A. a short essay describing a recent trip to New Zealand
C. Defoe served as a secret agent for William II between 1697 and 1701, and between 1703 and 1714 for various ministers.
C. Kites of every color hovered above, swooping and soaring with each gust of wind.
B. The area where the beavers live lacks natural predators.
D. The entire incident should teach people a lesson: it is a mistake to mess with nature.
A. After all, these years our dog finally learned to fetch.
D. "Are we going to sit still and do nothing?" Jane asked in attempt to energize the club.
D. mysterious;spooky
B. verb
A. As a result,

These are the English 9 Exam answers I don't know if they change up the answers though. Goodluck!

Can someone post the answers for the english 9 A semester exam 2020?


so no one’s got the answers

It's 2023 BABY

Hi Future 9th Graders

stop beeing a jerk :O your only here cus you need answers 2!!


1 is D

uhh these are the answers for my test..(English 9 exam)


1: A narrator who is also a character in the story is:
A: first person.

2: "You stand at the cliff wondering if it would be better to jump or turn and face the wild dogs. You decide to turn and face the wild dogs, hoping it gives you some chance of survival."
If the above quote were in a story, then the narration would be in:
B: second person.

3: Maya Angelou’s autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, takes place:
B: in various American cities between 1930–1960.

4: "What are you crying for?" asked Daddy, but I couldn't answer. They didn't know that I did it for myself; that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices, and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother.

This passage from "The Scarlet Ibis" shows which type of conflict?
A: character vs. himself

5: There is nothing I want to do
and too much
that has to be done
and momma's in the bedroom
with the door closed.

The final lines of this excerpt are repeated three times throughout the poem "Hanging Fire." Which theme do they convey?
A: anxiety about growing up

6: In James Hurst’s short story “The Scarlet Ibis,” who or what does the delicate red bird symbolize?
B: the narrator’s brother Doodle

7: What is the primary purpose of the detailed descriptions Barry Holstun Lopez includes in the excerpt from Of Wolves and Men?
A: to inform the reader about what the forest is like from the wolf’s perspective

8: In Frost’s poem “Mending Wall,” the lines “I see him there, / Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top / In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed” uses which poetic device?
A: simile

9: In Ray Bradbury’s short story “A Sound of Thunder,” which of Mr. Eckels’s character traits leads to drastic consequences for the rest of the world?
B: his carelessness.

10: Which of these is a direct characterization of Ted from “My Brother’s Keeper”?
C: Ted shook his head and ran his hand through his curly blond hair before answering.

11: Which of the following graphics would add the most relevant information to “The Deadliest Tsunami in History”?
B: an illustration comparing the height and extent of the tsunami to normal sea level

12: Use the graph to answer the question.
According to the information presented in An Inconvenient Truth, what explains the trends seen in the graph?
B: “The problem we now face is that the atmosphere is being filled by huge quantities of human-caused carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.”

13: Use the graph to answer the question.
According to the graph for the period shown, which is generally true about the two hemispheres?
A: The Northern Hemisphere tends to be further above average than the Southern Hemisphere.

14: The profile of an earthquake survivor would most likely be included in:
A: a feature article.

15: Which statement from “Mexicans Begin Jogging” best supports its theme of the diversity that is at the heart of being an American?
D: “What could I do but yell vivas to baseballs, milkshakes, and those sociologists...”

16: Which phrase best describes the tone of Langston Hughes’s poem “Harlem II”?
D: deep bitterness.

17: Use the passage to answer the question.
What was the author’s main reason for writing this passage?
A: to explain why something happened.

18: Use the passage to answer the question.
The purpose of this essay is to persuade. Which sentence best reflects this purpose?
C: “They waste people’s time, and they waste precious resources.”

19: Which literary device is used in the following sentence?

According to that report, these special materials can bend “radar, light, or other waves around an object like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream.”
A: simile.

20: ___ is a memory sequence that interrupts the chronological order of events for the purpose of telling what happened at some time in the past.
A: Flashback

21: Identify the part of speech of the underlined words.

The novel Huck Finn is set along the banks of the Mississippi River.
C: proper nouns

22: Identify the part of speech for the underlined word.

The birds chirped loudly every morning before sunrise.
A: action verb

23: Which of the following is a complete sentence?
A: Never make the same mistake twice.

24: Identify the most descriptive and specific way to rewrite the underlined words in the following sentence.

Just a few years ago, this road sat next to forests and fields.
C: Less than a decade ago

25: Choose the term that describes the underlined phrase.

Raoul’s sister, a golf pro, gave him basic instructions.
B: appositive phrase.

26: Choose the term that describes the underlined phrase.

When you’re finished, please lock the door.
A: adverbial clause

27: Identify the choice that best describes the problem.

Holding her books, her purse, and two packages.
C: phrase fragment

28: Choose the term that describes the underlined part of the sentence.

Although it was raining fairly hard, the team played its best game ever.
C: adverb clause

29: Choose the term that best describes the underlined phrase.

This is a battle about which little is known.
D: independent clause

30: Choose the term that best describes the underlined phrase.

The basket that she is holding is made from palm fronds.
B: adjective clause

31: Choose the term that describes the type of sentence shown.

The Cause Club, which is a community service group, is holding a dance.
C: complex

32: Choose the term that describes the type of sentence shown.

John was late to dinner and I was late to the movies.
C: compound

33: Choose the term that describes the type of sentence shown.

My two dogs are named Hannah and Brindle.
C: simple

34: Which of the following topics is the clearest example of the informative purpose?
A: a newspaper article describing the outcomes of an election

35: Which of the following sentences best reflects chronological order?
B: He attended Simpson College from 1890, and enrolled in Iowa State Agricultural College the following year.

36: What would be the least effective detail for a description about a lazy summer evening in the country?
B: Fallen leaves frantically chased after each other in swirling gusts of wind.

37: Which of the following belongs in the "Effect" column?
C: New technologies help people build “green” homes that save energy and preserve the environment.

38: Use the passage to answer the question.
Which sentence best reveals the writer’s beliefs about the impact of beavers on Chilean ecology?
D: The entire incident should teach people a lesson: it is a mistake to mess with nature.

39: Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence.
D: Performing in front of an audience, does not make her nervous.

40: Which sentence correctly uses punctuation with dialogue?
D: “Are we going to sit still and do nothing?” Jane asked in an attempt to energize the club.

41: Use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below.

The fire alarm bell rang at irregular intervals throughout the day.
D: following no set pattern

42: Which suffix would you add to the word contemplate to make it an adjective?
A: -ive

43: Use the passage to answer the question.
Which transition could best be added to the beginning of the last sentence of this letter?
A: As a result,

If you choose to trust my answers then thank you <3
but sorry if they move the test answers around :(

Hannah do you have the rest of the answers