How can you place grouping symbols in this expression to get 28?

5-3*2+8*5 = 28

To get the answer of 28 by placing grouping symbols in the expression 5-3*2+8*5, we can use the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS). This is the standard mathematical rule that defines the sequence in which different operations should be performed.

Let's follow the order of operations step by step:

Step 1: Perform the multiplication operations. Within the expression, we have two multiplication operations: 3*2 and 8*5.

5-3*2+8*5 = 5-6+40

Step 2: Perform the subtraction operation. We only have one subtraction operation: 5-6.

5-6+40 = -1+40

Step 3: Perform the addition operation. We have -1+40.

-1+40 = 39

According to the original expression without grouping symbols, the answer is 39, not 28. So, it is not possible to get 28 by placing grouping symbols in this particular expression.