In a loan database, there are 15 loans to clients with 9 years of business experience. Also, there are 60 loans made to clients with a College education. In the database there are 63 loans to clients with 9 years of experience or who have a College education. How many loans were made to clients with a College education who also had 9 years of experience?

15+60-x = 63

Thanks! Steve

To find the number of loans made to clients with a College education and 9 years of experience, we need to use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

First, start with the total number of loans in the database, which is the sum of loans made to clients with 9 years of experience and loans made to clients with a College education. That is:

Total loans = Loans with 9 years of experience + Loans with College education

Given that there are 15 loans to clients with 9 years of experience and 60 loans to clients with a College education, we can write the equation as:

Total loans = 15 + 60

Next, we need to remember that we have double-counted the loans made to clients with both 9 years of experience and a College education. So, we need to subtract the number of loans made to these clients once, in order to avoid overcounting.

The equation to perform this subtraction is:

Total loans - Loans with 9 years of experience and College education = Loans with 9 years of experience or College education but not both

We know that there are a total of 63 loans made to clients with 9 years of experience or who have a College education. Therefore, we can substitute the values into the equation:

63 = Total loans - Loans with 9 years of experience and College education

Now, we rearrange the equation to isolate the number of loans made to clients with 9 years of experience and College education:

Loans with 9 years of experience and College education = Total loans - 63

Substituting the previously known values:

Loans with 9 years of experience and College education = 15 + 60 - 63

Loans with 9 years of experience and College education = 75 - 63

Finally, perform the subtraction to find the answer:

Loans with 9 years of experience and College education = 12

Therefore, the number of loans made to clients with a College education who also had 9 years of experience is 12.