What number is 73% of 215? (1 point)

215 = 0.73n
n = 0.73 × 215 *****
0.73 = n × 215
215 = 73n
2. What percent of 94 is 23? (1 point)
n/94 = 23/100
23/94 = n/100
94/n = 23/100 ****
23/94 = 100/n
3. 80 is 40% of what number? (1 point)
20 ***
4. Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%. (1 point)
$125.00 ***
5. Jessica bought a computer for $325 and had to pay 6% sales tax. What was the total cost of Jessica’s computer? (1 point)
$19.50 ****

thank you king


To find the answer to each question, we need to follow the given instructions. Let's go through each question step by step:

1. What number is 73% of 215?
To find the number, we need to multiply 215 by 0.73:
n = 0.73 × 215 = 156.95

2. What percent of 94 is 23?
To find the percent, we need to set up a proportion:
n/94 = 23/100
To isolate the variable n, we can cross multiply:
100n = 23 × 94
n = (23 × 94) / 100 = 21.62
So, 23 is approximately 21.62% of 94.

3. 80 is 40% of what number?
To find the number, we can set up the equation:
0.40n = 80
To solve for n, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 0.40:
n = 80 / 0.40 = 200
So, 80 is 40% of 200.

4. Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%.
To calculate the commission, we multiply the sale amount by the commission rate:
Commission = $1,250 × 0.05 = $62.50

5. Jessica bought a computer for $325 and had to pay 6% sales tax. What was the total cost of Jessica’s computer?
To find the total cost including sales tax, we need to calculate the tax amount and then add it to the original cost:
Sales tax = $325 × 0.06 = $19.50
Total cost = $325 + $19.50 = $344.50

So, the answers are:
1. n = 156.95
2. n = 21.62%
3. n = 200
4. Commission = $62.50
5. Total cost = $344.50

None of your answers is correct. And your answer for some are just plain ridiculous! Look at 5. How can you pay less than the price of the computer?