What information is incorrectly placed in the table?


I really don't know, can someone give me a hint?

Can't see the table.

the last one

the clue is that a right angle is perpendicular

hence, it belongs with perpendicular bisectors

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to directly access or view images. However, if you can provide a description of the table or the specific information you are unsure about, I would be happy to assist you in identifying any potential errors.

Unfortunately, I am unable to access external links or images. However, I can guide you on how to determine the incorrect information in the table if you provide me with the information within the table.

To identify incorrect information in a table, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the data: Review the table and try to understand the context and the type of information being presented. This will help you identify any obvious errors.

2. Verify the source: Determine the reliability and credibility of the source from where you obtained the table. If it is from a trustworthy and authoritative source, the probability of incorrect information is lower. However, mistakes can still occur, so it's always essential to verify the data.

3. Cross-check the data: Compare the information in the table with other reliable sources, such as textbooks, trustworthy websites, or official documents. If the same data is consistently presented differently elsewhere, it may suggest an error in the table.

4. Analyze patterns or inconsistencies: Examine the data within the table for any patterns or inconsistencies. Look for any obvious outliers or values that do not align with the expected range. Sometimes, errors can occur from transcription or data entry mistakes, so keeping an eye out for these anomalies can help identify incorrect information.

Following these steps should assist you in identifying any incorrect information in the table. If you can provide me with the data within the table, I can attempt to guide you further in identifying any errors.