a photocopier increase the sides of a square in a ratio of 5:4. what percentage has the size increased?

5-4 divided by 4

1/4 = .25 or 25%

Now, check your answer.

1/4 of 4 = 1 added to 4 gets the 5.

Or 5/4 = 1.25 = 125%.

125% - 100% = 25%.

To find the percentage increase in size, we can use the formula:

Percentage Increase = ((New Size - Original Size) / Original Size) * 100

In this case, the ratio given is 5:4, which means that the sides of the square have increased by a factor of 5/4.

Let's assume the original size of the square is "x". After being copied, the new size of the square would be (5/4) * x.

Now, we can substitute these values into the formula to calculate the percentage increase:

Percentage Increase = ((5/4)x - x)/ x * 100

Simplifying this expression:

Percentage Increase = (1/4)x / x * 100

The "x" in the numerator and denominator cancels out, leaving:

Percentage Increase = 1/4 * 100

Calculating this, we get:

Percentage Increase = 25%

Therefore, the size of the square has increased by 25%.

To find the percentage increase in size, we need to first calculate the difference between the new size and the original size, and then express that difference as a percentage of the original size.

Let's assume the original size is 'x'.

According to the question, the photocopier increases the sides of the square in a ratio of 5:4. This means that the new size is 5/4 times the original size.

New Size = (5/4) * x

The increase in size is the difference between the new and original sizes:

Increase in size = New Size - Original Size
= (5/4) * x - x
= (5x/4) - (4x/4)
= (x/4)

To express this increase as a percentage of the original size, we need to consider the ratio: increase/original size.

Percentage Increase = (Increase / Original Size) * 100
= (x/4) / x * 100
= (1/4) * 100
= 25%

Therefore, the size of the square has increased by 25%.