example teacher has on sheet is:

400 = 10 x h
40 =10 x 4
400 = 10 x 40
So, h = 40

so how does my grandson do this problem the same way?
280 = 2 x m

This grandma has no idea. Thanks for you help.

This is so cute omg

280 = 2 x m

28 = 2 x 14
280 = 2 x 140
so m = 140

I am not sure why I would want to do it that way though. If you can handle 2 x 14 I bet you could handle the tens part.

Thanks Damon,

You are welcome, good luck.

To solve the equation 280 = 2 x m, your grandson can use the same method as the example you provided. Here's how he can do it step by step:

1. Identify the multiplication equation: In the example, the equation was expressed as 400 = 10 x h. In this problem, the equation is 280 = 2 x m.

2. Simplify the equation: Just like in the example, your grandson needs to simplify the equation by performing the multiplication on the right side. In this case, 2 x m can be simplified to just 2m.

So the simplified equation becomes: 280 = 2m.

3. Solve for the variable: The goal is to isolate the variable (m in this case) on one side of the equation.

To do this, your grandson can divide both sides of the equation by 2. Dividing by 2 cancels out the multiplication of 2 on the right side, leaving only m on the right side.

So, dividing both sides by 2:

280 ÷ 2 = 2m ÷ 2
140 = m

Thus, the solution is m = 140.

Your grandson can follow these steps to solve equations like 280 = 2 x m or any other similar equation. Just remember to simplify the equation by performing the necessary operations on one side and then isolate the variable by applying the same operation to both sides.