Rewrite the equation as a function


If you want to consider y as a function of x, then
y = (1/4)(3x +11)
One can also write x as a function of y.
x = (1/3)(4y - 11)

To rewrite the equation -3x + 4y = 11 as a function, you need to solve for y in terms of x.

1. Start by isolating the variable term containing y.
Add 3x to both sides of the equation:
-3x + 4y + 3x = 11 + 3x
4y = 3x + 11

2. Next, isolate y by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
4y/4 = (3x + 11)/4
y = (3x + 11)/4

Now, you have rewritten the equation as a function. The function is:
y = (3x + 11)/4

This means that for any given value of x, you can substitute it into the function to find the corresponding value of y.