At the mall, John and three of his friends are waiting for the movie to start. One of his friends has an older brother who says he can get them all into the movie for free if they go around to the back of the building and come in through the employee entrance when the manager goes on break. John feels pressured to go along with the group but also knows it’s not the right thing to do. How should John handle this situation?

Agree to do it just this one time
Go with the group as it’s not really stealing since the seats were going to be empty anyway
Let his friends know he thinks it’s wrong to sneak in and call his Dad for a ride home***
Pay his own admission and meet up with his friends knowing they got in without payi

your answer is correct nice job :)

thank you

no problem have a wonderful day :)

You too :)

John should handle this situation by letting his friends know that he thinks it's wrong to sneak into the movie. It is important for John to stand up for his values and make choices that align with his principles. Here's how John can approach this situation:

1. Express his concerns: John can kindly and assertively let his friends know that he disagrees with the idea of sneaking into the movie. He can explain why he feels it's important to pay for a ticket and respect the rules and policies of the mall.

2. Suggest an alternative: Instead of joining his friends in sneaking in, John can propose an alternative plan. For example, he can suggest finding another activity to do together, or he can offer to pay for his own ticket so that he can watch the movie guilt-free.

3. Reach out for support: If his friends insist on sneaking in and John is uncomfortable with the idea, he can contact his dad or a trusted adult for advice and support. It's important for John to remember that he doesn't have to compromise his values to fit in or avoid feeling pressured.

By taking these steps, John can stay true to himself and make ethical choices, even in challenging situations.