a will states that john is to get 3 times as much money as mary.the total amount they will receive is 12.00 how much will john and mary receive

To find out how much John and Mary will receive, we need to solve the system of equations that these conditions represent:

Let's use variables to represent the amount of money Mary receives (M) and the amount John receives (J).

According to the given information:
1. John is to get 3 times as much money as Mary: J = 3M
2. The total amount they will receive is $12: M + J = 12

Now we can solve the system of equations:

Since J = 3M, we can substitute this expression into the second equation:
M + 3M = 12 (replace J with 3M)
4M = 12 (combine like terms)
M = 3 (divide both sides by 4)

Now that we know Mary will receive $3, we can substitute this value back into either equation to find the amount John will receive. Using the equation J = 3M:
J = 3(3) = 9

Therefore, Mary will receive $3 and John will receive $9.

12 dollars?