In an effort to promote a better understanding of what design is and how to discuss it, your firm is having a weekly series of meetings. Within your first week, please find a design to include in your presentation that is different than the material you used in unit 1. Make sure to address the following points:

Identify the two most important design elements that you feel are present in your design.
Describe and analyze how these elements help carry the message of the design.
Suggest a possible target audience for the design (i.e., whom the design was created to attract).
Provide a web link or attachment of the design.

We do not do your homework for you.

What have you done so far to work on this assignment. Have you chosen a design?
Were it I, I would go back and write down the basic design elements, then choose a design that would have two of them, then I believe that you can accomplish your assignment easily.

Consistency in your piece can also be thought of as

Thank You

To find a design for your presentation that is different from the material used in unit 1, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching different design platforms such as Behance, Dribbble, or Pinterest. These websites feature a wide range of design projects from various designers.

2. Use relevant keywords to search for designs that align with the theme or topic of your presentation. For example, if your presentation is about architecture, you can search for "modern architecture design" or "innovative architectural concepts."

3. Browse through the search results and select a design that catches your attention and is different from the material used in unit 1. Consider both the visual appeal and the message conveyed by the design.

4. Once you have found a suitable design, analyze it to identify the two most important design elements present. These can be color, typography, composition, imagery, or any other visual or structural elements that significantly contribute to the design's impact.

5. Describe and analyze how these two design elements help carry the message of the design. Explain how they enhance the overall visual appeal, communicate the intended message, or create a specific mood or atmosphere.

6. Suggest a possible target audience for the design based on its style, content, or purpose. Consider factors such as age, interests, profession, or lifestyle that align with the design's intended purpose.

7. Finally, provide a web link or attachment of the design you chose, so that the audience can view it during your presentation.

With this systematic approach, you will be able to find a design that is different from unit 1 material, analyze its design elements and their impact, suggest a target audience, and provide visual support for your presentation.

Note: Since I am an AI text-based model, I cannot provide direct web links or attachments. However, you can follow the steps above to find a suitable design and include it in your presentation.