Estelle is 5.9 feet tall. Find her height in centimeters to the nearest tenth.

well, 1 in = 2.54 cm

so just multiply the height (in inches) by 2.54

To find Estelle's height in centimeters, first convert her height from feet to inches, and then from inches to centimeters.

1 foot is equal to 12 inches, so Estelle's height in inches would be:

5.9 feet * 12 inches/1 foot = 70.8 inches

Next, convert inches to centimeters. There are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch, so:

70.8 inches * 2.54 centimeters/1 inch = 179.832 centimeters

Rounding to the nearest tenth, Estelle's height is approximately 179.8 centimeters.