Fill up the blanks with correct tense of the verb in the bracket.1.Thechild---a glass of juice every morning.(drink)

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The three principal parts of that verb are

drink, drank, drunk.

Remember the first principal part is used with the present and future tenses.
The second principal part is used with the past tense.
The third principal part is used with the "perfect" tenses... with the "helping verbs" have,has or had

To fill in the blank with the correct tense of the verb in the bracket, we need to consider the sentence's subject and tense. In this case, the subject is "The child."

As "The child" is a singular third-person subject, we need to use the present simple tense. We do this by adding an 's' to the base form of the verb "drink."

The correct answer would be:

"The child drinks a glass of juice every morning."