7 3/5 = ? Yards

Please help me a link will be greatly appreciated

7 3/5 what?

feet? meters? inches?

It is feet steve

To convert 7 3/5 to yards, you'll need to know the conversion factor between the units you're converting. In this case, you'll need the conversion factor between feet and yards since they are both units of length.

1 yard is equal to 3 feet. Therefore, to convert feet to yards, you need to divide the number of feet by 3.

Now, let's convert 7 3/5 to yards step by step:

1. Start by converting the whole number part, 7, to feet. Since 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, 7 yards would be 7 × 3 = 21 feet.

2. Next, convert the fraction part, 3/5, to feet. To do this, multiply the fraction by the conversion factor of 1 yard/3 feet.
(3/5) * (1 yard/3 feet) = (3/5) * (1/3) yards = 3/15 yards = 1/5 yards

3. Now, add the converted whole number and fraction parts together to get the total in yards: 21 + 1/5 = 21 1/5 yards.

So, 7 3/5 is equal to 21 1/5 yards.

If you're looking for an online converter, you can use a search engine like Google and search for "feet to yards converter." You'll find various online converters that can help you with the conversion.