17. How are the viewpoints of Turkey's urban and rural population likely to differ regarding the role of women in the society? Explain.

Rural people tend to be more conservative than urbanites. For instance, when I was in Turkey several years ago, women were forbidden to wear head coverings in government offices and colleges.

I don't get it

Could you give me a reference. PLs


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Traditionally the people in turkey are Muslim however in the urban centers other religions are prevalent so, views on women's rights could differ based on their religion

women were not allowed to wear head coverings in government offices and colleges.

yo tats wrong ppl

To understand how the viewpoints of Turkey's urban and rural population might differ regarding the role of women in society, you can begin by considering the cultural, economic, and educational factors that often shape these perspectives. Here's how you can explain the differences:

1. Cultural Factors: Turkey is a country with a diverse cultural landscape, and different regions may have varying norms and traditions regarding gender roles. In rural areas, traditional values and conservative beliefs often have a stronger influence on societal expectations. Traditional gender roles may be more entrenched, with women expected to conform to traditional roles such as being wives, mothers, and caretakers, while men are often perceived as the primary breadwinners. On the other hand, urban areas tend to have more exposure to modern ideas, global influences, and diverse social dynamics, leading to a broader range of perspectives on gender roles.

2. Economic Factors: Economic development and opportunities play a crucial role in shaping attitudes toward women's roles. In urban areas, there are typically more employment opportunities and a higher degree of women's participation in the workforce, which can lead to greater gender equality and more progressive attitudes. In contrast, rural areas often have more conservative economies centered around agriculture and traditional industries, where women's labor may be more tied to household and family responsibilities.

3. Educational Factors: Education plays a vital role in shaping attitudes and beliefs. Urban areas generally have better access to educational resources and opportunities, which can foster more progressive and egalitarian views. Higher education levels among both men and women in urban areas often translate into greater gender equality in terms of career aspirations, empowerment, and general perspectives on women's rights. In rural areas, educational opportunities may be more limited, and traditional gender roles might be reinforced through lack of exposure to alternative viewpoints.

4. Access to Information: Urban areas usually have better access to media, internet, and broader information networks, which expose individuals to a variety of ideas and perspectives. This exposure can promote more liberal views on gender roles and women's rights. In contrast, rural areas might have limited access to information, relying more on traditional sources of knowledge and beliefs that can be slower to change.

It's important to note that Turkey is a complex and diverse country, and individual opinions within both urban and rural areas may vary considerably. These general trends, however, can provide a starting point for understanding the potential differences in viewpoints regarding the role of women in Turkish society.

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