Is hitting a golf ball skill-based or health-based

Probably both. Some people don't have the strength to hit a golf ball. However, for most people, it is skill based.

skill based

Hitting a golf ball is primarily skill-based rather than health-based. It requires a combination of physical coordination, technique, knowledge of the game, and mental focus. While good health can certainly contribute to one's ability to perform well in golf, such as strength, flexibility, and stamina, it is not the sole determining factor.

To improve your golf skills, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Take lessons: Working with a professional golf instructor will help you develop proper form, technique, and improve your overall swing.

2. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is essential to improve your golf skills. Designate specific days or times each week to hit the driving range or practice green.

3. Focus on fundamentals: Pay attention to your grip, stance, posture, and alignment. These foundational elements greatly impact your golf swing and overall performance.

4. Study the game: Learn about golf rules, strategies, and different clubs and techniques. Understanding the game will help you make calculated decisions on the course.

5. Practice short game: Spend time honing your skills on the putting green and chipping area. The short game is crucial for scoring well in golf.

6. Play frequently: Get out on the course and play rounds of golf. Experience in real-game situations will enhance your decision-making, adaptability, and overall skill level.

Remember, golf requires patience and persistence. It may take time to see progress, but with dedication, practice, and continuous learning, you can improve your golf skills.