18. The author of “Hip­Hop Planet” uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it

to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because
(1 point)
it shows how quickly hip­hop music commercialized.

the character of Henry really likes candy.

it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory

it shows that not everyone can make it as a full­time rapper.

I thin it is A am i right?

To accurately determine the answer, we need to analyze the given options and the context of the essay "Hip-Hop Planet." Let's break down each option:

Option A: "It shows how quickly hip-hop music commercialized."
This option suggests that the author used the image of a candy box with a ribbon to symbolize the rapid commercialization of hip-hop music. This option may seem plausible since the author discusses the commercialization of hip-hop in the essay. However, for this question, we need to focus specifically on why the author used this image to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio.

Option B: "The character of Henry really likes candy."
This option introduces a character named Henry who is fond of candy. However, unless the essay explicitly mentions this character and his affinity for candy, it would not be relevant in explaining why the candy box with a ribbon is used to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio.

Option C: "It emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory."
This option suggests that the image of a candy box with a ribbon symbolizes the hard work of the women at a candy factory. Again, unless the essay explicitly talks about the candy factory or the work of women in Dayton, Ohio, this option would not be applicable.

Option D: "It shows that not everyone can make it as a full-time rapper."
This option suggests that the image of a candy box with a ribbon is used to convey the idea that not everyone can succeed as a full-time rapper. While this may be a possible interpretation, we still need to verify if the essay explicitly connects this image to the challenges in becoming a full-time rapper.

Based on the analysis, it is unclear if any of the given options directly answer why the author used the image of a candy box with a ribbon to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio. Therefore, none of the given options appear to be a correct answer to the question.

No, the correct answer is D) It shows that not everyone can make it as a full-time rapper. The author uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it to illustrate how the highways of Dayton, Ohio serve as a barrier or gateway into the world of professional hip-hop music. Just as not everyone can open the candy box and access the treats inside, not everyone can achieve success and make a living as a rapper.

nausicaa / gina

1. You're being impatient again ... this time posting under a different name. Develop patience, please.

2. You're assuming we've all read this. I, for one, have not.