A hydrochloric acid So of concentration 1mol/l and a solution S1 of concentration C1= 2×10^-2 mol/l to be prepared from So. The available materials are given below:

● Volumetric pipet: 5ml, 10ml, 20ml
● Beakers: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml
● volumetric flask : 100ml, 500ml
● graduated cylinder : 10ml, 25ml

1) Choose the necassary materials for the preparation pf S1.
2) Take 5ml from solution S1 and introduce them in a volumetric flask 100ml. Then add water to the line mark where solution S2 is observed.
Determine the pH of solution S2

To prepare solution S1, we need to use the given hydrochloric acid solution So of concentration 1 mol/L. We also need a volumetric flask of 100 mL to prepare solution S1 with a concentration of C1 = 2 × 10^-2 mol/L.

1) For the preparation of solution S1, we will need the following materials:
- Volumetric flask: 100 mL

2) To prepare solution S2, we need to take 5 mL from solution S1 and introduce it into a volumetric flask of 100 mL. Then we need to add water to the line mark where solution S2 is observed.

Steps for preparing solution S2:
a) Use a volumetric pipet to measure 5 mL of solution S1.
b) Transfer the measured 5 mL of solution S1 into a 100 mL volumetric flask.
c) Add water to the volumetric flask until the liquid level reaches the line mark on the neck of the flask.
d) Mix the contents of the flask thoroughly by inverting it a few times.

To determine the pH of solution S2, we need to use a pH meter or pH indicator. pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. A pH meter gives a direct reading of the pH value, while a pH indicator changes color depending on the pH value.

To measure the pH using a pH meter:
1) Calibrate the pH meter following the manufacturer's instructions.
2) Immerse the pH electrode into solution S2.
3) Allow the pH reading to stabilize, and record the pH value displayed on the pH meter.

To determine the pH using a pH indicator:
1) Add a few drops of the selected pH indicator to solution S2 and mix well.
2) Observe the color change and compare it to the provided pH indicator chart to determine the corresponding pH value of solution S2.