Most of the questions have maps or images to go with them, I answered those but I need help/answers checked on the ones that don't. I need to get a good grade on this so I can finally get out of this stupid online school!!!

What was the importance of slave codes?

A. They increased the personal freedoms of enslaved African Americans
B. They were established as a step toward legal freedoms for African Americans **
C. They increased an owner's control over enslaved African American's behavior
D. They allowed for the education of African Americans

How did Horace Mann contribute to the reform in education?

A. His development of books with raised letters aided in the education of the blind
B. His educational philosophy led to a new approach in educating the deaf
C. His radical call for classroom equality gave African Americans a chance to get an education
D. His pressure on the state legislature provided money to fund new schools and increase teacher's pay

How were the lives of children in the middle of the nineteenth century different from previous generations?

A. They were working in factories or fields **
B. they were children of professional parents
C. They were given the opportunity to go to college
D. They were able to read and write

Why did Quakers and other religious leaders in the North oppose slavery?

A. They believed it was a sin for a person to own another person (?)
B. They had many African American followers
C. They felt African Americans should be paid fairly for their services
D. They thought that slavery did not reflect american values (?)

Which of the following was a result of the reform efforts spurred on by the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s?

A. Limits were places on the amount of immigrants allowed into the United States
B. Women gained the right to vote
C. People with mental illness were removed from society and placed in prisons
D. The temperance movement got several states to ban the sale of alcohol

What complaint did southerners make about William Loyd Garrison in connection with Nat Turner?

A. He supplied the weapons Turner used in his revolt
B. His leadership of the Underground Railroad gave Turner a way of escape north
C. He promoted slave revolts like Turner's with his abolitionist writings
D. He encouraged Turner's revolt with his anti-slavery speeches in congress

After he was president, which individual described himself as "the acutest, the astutest, and the archest enemy of Southern slavery that ever existed"?

A. Andrew Jackson
B. John Quincy Adams
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Martin Van Buren

Which of the following describes the similarities between Emerson's and Thoreau's central beliefs?

A. They both lectured on the importance of inner light
B. They both believed the human spirit was reflected in nature
C. They both considered the rise of cities was hurting the nation
D. They both believed the individual decides what's right and wrong

Which action would be consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience?

A. A Know-Nothing party member attacking an immigrant
B. a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves
C. an angry citizen setting fire to a government building
D. a merchant banker who got wealthy by extending credit

How were the lives of white people in the North and South alike and different?

For the last one, I know how they're different but I'm having trouble seeing how they're alike. I've been studying for this test and I know if I get a 90 or higher my grade will go up! I just need help on these because I need to get that 90 or higher! Thank you!

A, C, A, A or D, you do the rest.

I'll help you go through these questions and provide feedback on your answers:

1. The correct answer is C. They increased an owner's control over enslaved African American's behavior.
Slave codes were laws that were specifically enacted to regulate the behavior of enslaved African Americans and to maintain control over them. They limited the rights and freedoms of enslaved individuals and gave owners significant control and authority.

2. The correct answer is D. His pressure on the state legislature provided money to fund new schools and increase teacher's pay.
Horace Mann is known as the "father of American education." He advocated for increased funding for public schools, higher teacher salaries, and mandatory attendance laws. He played a key role in shaping the American public education system in the mid-19th century.

3. Your answer is correct. A. They were working in factories or fields.
During the mid-19th century, many children were employed in factories, mines, and fields, working long hours in harsh conditions. Child labor was prevalent during this time, and it was a significant difference from previous generations where children typically worked within the family unit on farms or in small-scale crafts.

4. Your answer is correct. A. They believed it was a sin for a person to own another person.
Quakers and other religious leaders in the North opposed slavery on moral grounds, considering it a sin to own another human being. They believed in the equality and inherent worth of all individuals, regardless of race or background.

5. The correct answer is D. The temperance movement got several states to ban the sale of alcohol.
The Second Great Awakening, a religious revival movement in the United States during the early 19th century, sparked various reform efforts, including the temperance movement. This movement aimed to restrict or ban the sale and consumption of alcohol. While other options mentioned may have occurred, the temperance movement was a significant result of the reform efforts during this time.

6. The correct answer is C. He promoted slave revolts like Turner's with his abolitionist writings.
William Lloyd Garrison was a prominent abolitionist who advocated for the immediate and total abolition of slavery. Southerners accused him of promoting slave revolts through his writings, which they believed incited violence and rebellion.

7. The correct answer is B. John Quincy Adams.
John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, continued his anti-slavery activism after leaving the presidency. He became a vocal opponent of slavery and fought for its abolition until his death in 1848.

8. Your answer is correct. B. They both believed the human spirit was reflected in nature.
Both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were transcendentalist thinkers who believed in the connection between nature and the human spirit. They emphasized the importance of the individual's relationship with nature as a source of spiritual and moral insight.

9. The correct answer is B. a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves.
Civil disobedience refers to the deliberate and nonviolent violation of laws or societal norms as a form of protest. Guiding escaped slaves on the Underground Railroad was an act of civil disobedience against the fugitive slave laws and the institution of slavery.

10. Regarding the similarities between the lives of white people in the North and South, they shared similarities in terms of cultural values, social customs, and agricultural practices. Both regions were predominantly rural and agricultural societies, relying heavily on farming as their economic foundation. They also shared certain cultural traditions and influences, such as English ancestry and Christian religious beliefs. However, it's important to note that there were significant differences between the two regions as well, particularly regarding the institution of slavery and the economy based on slave labor in the South.

I hope this helps you with your test preparation and that you achieve the grade you're aiming for! Good luck!

Here's an explanation of the correct answers for the questions you provided:

1. The importance of slave codes was to increase an owner's control over enslaved African Americans. This means that option C is the correct answer since slave codes were laws that were designed to restrict the movement and behavior of enslaved people and to maintain control and order over the slave population.

2. Horace Mann contributed to the reform in education by pressuring the state legislature to provide money to fund new schools and increase teacher's pay. This means that option D is the correct answer.

3. Children in the middle of the nineteenth century were mainly working in factories or fields. This means that option A is the correct answer since child labor was common during that time period.

4. Quakers and other religious leaders in the North opposed slavery because they believed it was a sin for a person to own another person. This means that option A is the correct answer.

5. The reform efforts spurred on by the Second Great Awakening resulted in the temperance movement gaining several states banning the sale of alcohol. This means that option D is the correct answer.

6. Southerners complained about William Lloyd Garrison in connection with Nat Turner because they believed he promoted slave revolts like Turner's with his abolitionist writings. This means that option C is the correct answer.

7. After he was president, John Quincy Adams described himself as "the acutest, the astutest, and the archest enemy of Southern slavery that ever existed." This means that option B is the correct answer.

8. The similarities between Emerson's and Thoreau's central beliefs were that they both believed the human spirit was reflected in nature. This means that option B is the correct answer.

9. Civil disobedience is typically associated with actions that challenge unjust laws or government policies. In this case, guiding escaped slaves as a conductor on the Underground Railroad would be consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience. This means that option B is the correct answer.

10. The lives of white people in the North and South were different, but one similarity is that both regions had social hierarchies based on race. This means that option A is the correct answer, as both regions held beliefs and practices that perpetuated racial inequality.

I hope this helps you in your preparations for your test! Good luck, and I hope you achieve the grade you are aiming for!

Most of your answers are wrong.

You need to study your text carefully, taking good notes, and reading slowly so you comprehend what you're reading.