Rent A Flick

Insert a Date Formula

Movie Category Rental Price Profit % Boca Vero Delray Miami Totals
New Releases $3.99 30% 28 17 13 52 110
Video Games $5.00 75% 14 6 9 15 44
College Picks $2.50 55% 10 5 5 22 42
Classic Feature Films $1.49 65% 4 3 2 18 27
Disney for Kids $2.50 55% 14 6 8 29 57
Total Tapes Rented 70 37 37 136

Rental Income from Each Store
Profit Earned by Each Store
Cost of Sales for Each Store
that's a table and i need to calculate the Profit Earned by Each Store, Cost of Sales for Each Store I tried everything but could do it, I need help, Anybody please help

What's your question?

how to find out the rental income from each store,Profit Earned by Each Store

,Cost of Sales for Each Store

ent A Flick

Irina Goloborodko
Insert a Date Formula

Movie Category Rental Price Profit % Boca Vero Delray Miami Totals
New Releases $3.99 30% 28 17 13 52 110
Video Games $5.00 75% 14 6 9 15 44
College Picks $2.50 55% 10 5 5 22 42
Classic Feature Films $1.49 65% 4 3 2 18 27
Disney for Kids $2.50 55% 14 6 8 29 57
Total Tapes Rented

70 37 37 136

Rental Income from Each Store

Profit Earned by Each Store

Cost of Sales for Each Store

To calculate the profit earned by each store and the cost of sales for each store, you'll need to perform some calculations based on the data provided in the table.

Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Calculate rental income from each store:
- Multiply the rental price by the number of tapes rented for each category for each store.
- For example, for the Boca store and the New Releases category, the rental income can be calculated as follows: $3.99 * 28 = $111.72. Repeat this for all other categories and stores.

2. Calculate the profit earned by each store:
- Multiply the rental income for each store by the profit percentage for each category.
- For example, for the Boca store and the New Releases category, the profit earned can be calculated as follows: $111.72 * 30% = $33.52. Repeat this for all other categories and stores.

3. Calculate the cost of sales for each store:
- Subtract the profit earned by each store from the rental income for each store.
- For example, for the Boca store and the New Releases category, the cost of sales can be calculated as follows: $111.72 - $33.52 = $78.20. Repeat this for all other categories and stores.

By following these steps, you can calculate the profit earned by each store and the cost of sales for each store based on the given data.