During the 20th century, what has happened to make TX more like the rest of the nation? On the other side of that question, what is truly distinctive about TX that will have a continuing influence on TX’s future?

A REAL Texan would be independent and find these answers for him/herself. Only a wimp would try to get people in other parts of the country to give the answers.

I have answers, I'm not sure if they are valid so I was trying to get a 2nd opinion. Thanks.

I'll be glad to read your answers and give you my opinion.

To understand how Texas (TX) became more like the rest of the nation during the 20th century, as well as the distinct factors that will continue to influence its future, we need to analyze historical events and examine key aspects of the state's identity.

1. Becoming more like the rest of the nation:

a) Industrialization and Economic Development: Texas experienced significant industrial growth during the 20th century. The discovery of oil and natural gas reserves spurred economic development and attracted investments from national and international companies. This industrialization helped Texas align with the rest of the nation by contributing to the growth of a modern economy.

b) Population Growth and Migration: Texas witnessed substantial population growth throughout the 20th century. Both internal migration from other states and immigration from abroad played a crucial role in shaping the state's demographic makeup. This influx of diverse populations enhanced cultural exchange and contributed to Texas adopting various national trends and norms.

c) Urbanization and Modernization: The rapid growth of cities in Texas, such as Houston, Dallas, and Austin, led to urbanization and modernization. Large metropolitan areas started resembling urban centers in the rest of the country, with similar infrastructure, facilities, and lifestyle patterns.

d) Political Shifts: Over time, Texas experienced political transformations that aligned it more closely with the rest of the nation. Historically, the state had a predominantly conservative political landscape, but in recent decades, it has shown signs of political diversification with growing progressive voices and changing demographics.

2. Distinctive factors influencing Texas's future:

a) Cultural Identity: Texas has a unique cultural identity, shaped by its history, geography, and diverse population. The influence of Hispanic, Native American, and Western cultures is significant and will continue to shape the state's future trajectory, including its cuisine, arts, music, and social dynamics.

b) Energy Resources: As a major producer of oil and natural gas, Texas's demand for and influence on energy resources will continue to play a crucial role. Shifts in energy markets, advances in renewable technologies, and environmental concerns will impact the state's future economic development and policy decisions.

c) Border and Immigration: Texas shares a substantial border with Mexico, leading to distinct challenges and opportunities related to immigration, trade, and cross-cultural influences. Ongoing discussions and policies regarding border control, immigration reform, and international relations will shape Texas's approach to these issues, impacting its future.

d) Economic Diversity and Innovation: Texas has diversified its economy beyond traditional agricultural and energy sectors. Industries like technology, healthcare, aerospace, and manufacturing have gained prominence, contributing to economic growth and innovation. Continued efforts to attract diverse industries and foster entrepreneurial ecosystems will impact Texas's economic future.

In summary, Texas has become more like the rest of the nation over the 20th century through industrialization, population growth, urbanization, and political shifts. Moving forward, the state's unique cultural identity, energy resources, border proximity, and economic diversity will continue to influence its future trajectory.