One year, Shannon made $288 from two investments. $1100 was invested at one yearly rate and 1800 at a rate that was 1.5% higher. Find the two rates of interest

lower rate ---- r

higher rate ---- r+.015

1100r + 1800(r+.015) = 288
1100r + 1800r + 27 = 288
2900r = 261
r = .09

the one rate was 9% , the other 10.5%

1100(.09) + 1800(.105) = 288

To find the two rates of interest, let's assign variables to the rates. Let's say the rate of the first investment is 'x' and the rate of the second investment is 'x + 1.5%'. Now, let's use the given information to set up the equation.

The total amount earned from the two investments is $288:
$1100 * x + $1800 * (x + 1.5%) = $288

First, let's convert 1.5% to decimal form by dividing it by 100:
1.5% = 1.5/100 = 0.015

Now, we can rewrite the equation:
$1100 * x + $1800 * (x + 0.015) = $288

Next, let's simplify the equation:
1100x + 1800(x + 0.015) = 288

Distribute 1800 to both terms in the parentheses:
1100x + 1800x + 27 = 288

Combine like terms:
2900x + 27 = 288

Move the constant term to the other side of the equation:
2900x = 288 - 27
2900x = 261

Divide both sides of the equation by 2900:
x = 261/2900
x ≈ 0.09

So, the rate of the first investment is approximately 0.09 or 9%.

To find the rate of the second investment, we can substitute the value of x back into our equation:
x + 0.015 ≈ 0.09 + 0.015
x + 0.015 ≈ 0.105

So, the rate of the second investment is approximately 0.105 or 10.5%.

Therefore, the two rates of interest are approximately 9% and 10.5%.