How many gallons of water should be added to raise water level 1 inch in a 12 by 24 foot pool?

For simplicity, let us convert everything to SI units.

1 inch = 0.0254 m
12 foot = 3.6567 m
24 foot = 7.3152 m
1 gallon = 0.00378541 m^3

Thus, volume is 0.0254m*3.6567m*7.3152m = 0.6794370927 m^3

Determining how many gallons of water are required to raise water level,

0.6794370927 m^3 / 0.00378541 m^3

= 179.5 gallons

To calculate the number of gallons required to raise the water level in a pool, you'll need to know the volume of the pool and the conversion rate between volume and gallons. Here's how to determine the number of gallons needed to raise the water level in a 12 by 24-foot pool by 1 inch:

1. Calculate the current volume of the pool:
Volume = Length * Width * Depth
In this case, the dimensions are already given as 12 feet and 24 feet. However, we need to convert these measurements to inches for consistency when calculating volume. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, the dimensions become 12 inches * 24 inches. If the pool has a constant depth, you can use that directly. Otherwise, you need to find the average depth.

2. Convert the volume to gallons:
There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon. Divide the volume by 231 to convert it to gallons:
Volume (in gallons) = Volume (in cubic inches) / 231

3. Calculate the volume required to raise the water level by 1 inch:
The additional volume is essentially the surface area of the pool (12 inches * 24 inches) multiplied by the increase in water level (1 inch).
Additional volume = Surface area * Increase in water level

4. Convert the additional volume to gallons:
Divide the additional volume by 231 to convert it to gallons:
Additional volume (in gallons) = Additional volume (in cubic inches) / 231

Adding the additional volume (in gallons) to the current volume (in gallons) will give you the total gallons needed to raise the water level by 1 inch.

To find the number of gallons of water needed to raise the water level in a pool by 1 inch, you need to know the volume of the pool and how many gallons are in a cubic foot.

First, let's calculate the volume of the pool. The formula for finding the volume of a rectangular pool is length x width x height. In this case, the pool is 12 feet by 24 feet, but we need to convert the dimensions to inches since the desired change in water level is specified in inches.

12 feet = 12 x 12 = 144 inches
24 feet = 24 x 12 = 288 inches

Now, let's assume the depth of the pool is constant. If we want to raise the water level in the entire pool by 1 inch, we need to calculate the volume of the pool at that height.

Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 144 inches x 288 inches x 1 inch

Next, we need to convert the volume from cubic inches to gallons. There are approximately 231 cubic inches in a gallon.

Gallons = Volume (cubic inches) / 231

Now, let's calculate:

Gallons = (144 inches x 288 inches x 1 inch) / 231

Simplifying the equation, we get:

Gallons = 41664 cubic inches / 231

Finally, we divide to find the number of gallons:

Gallons ≈ 180.22 gallons

Therefore, approximately 180.22 gallons of water should be added to raise the water level by 1 inch in a 12 by 24 foot pool.