Cassie is writing an equation to show the effect of gravitational pull of the sun and moon on tidal range which equation would Cassie use to show the effect of the sun and the moon on Spring tides?

A - sun + moon = spring tides

B - sun + Earth = spring tides

C - moon - sun = spring tides

D - earth - moon = spring tides

To determine which equation Cassie would use to show the effect of the sun and moon on Spring tides, we need to understand the relationship between these celestial bodies and tidal range.

Spring tides occur when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned, creating the greatest difference between high and low tides. During Spring tides, the gravitational pull of both the sun and moon combine to create stronger tides.

From the given options, we can see that only option A includes both the sun and moon. Therefore, the equation Cassie would use to show the effect of the sun and moon on Spring tides is:

A - sun + moon = spring tides