when there is no judicial board is there seperation of powers for political

A college judicial board?

Political what?

Please clarify your question.

the question is if Tribal government don't recognize judicial board members does the separation of powers still work for Tribal Government


The principle of separation of powers is a foundational concept in political governance, where the powers of a government are divided among different branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. These branches typically include the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

When there is no judicial board or a functional judiciary, it can undermine the separation of powers. The judiciary plays a vital role in interpreting laws, resolving disputes, and ensuring the constitutionality of government actions. Without a judicial board, the power to interpret and apply laws may become concentrated within the executive or legislative branches, which can lead to an imbalance of power and potential abuses.

To ensure a separation of powers in a political system, it is essential to have a functional and independent judiciary that acts as a check on the other branches of government. The judiciary should have the authority to interpret and apply laws impartially and to review and strike down any actions that are unconstitutional or exceed the powers granted to the other branches. This helps to maintain the balance of power and uphold the rule of law.