The ratio of girls to boys in the robotics class is 3 to 4. If there are 27 girls in the club, how many members does the club have in total?

To find the total number of members in the club, you need to determine the ratio of girls to boys and then use the given information to calculate the total.

Step 1: Calculate the ratio of boys to girls. The ratio of girls to boys is given as 3 to 4, which can also be written as 3/4. To find the ratio of boys to girls, take the reciprocal of the given ratio: 4/3.

Step 2: Determine the number of boys in the club. If the ratio of boys to girls is 4/3, and there are 27 girls in the club, you can set up a proportion:

(Number of boys) / (27 girls) = (4 boys) / (3 girls)

To solve for the number of boys, cross-multiply:

(4 boys) * (27 girls) = (3 girls) * (Number of boys)

108 boys = 81 girls

Step 3: Calculate the total number of members in the club. To get the total, you add the number of boys and girls together:

Total members = Number of boys + Number of girls
Total members = 108 boys + 27 girls
Total members = 135 members

Therefore, the robotics club has a total of 135 members.

3/7 = 27/x

3x = 189

x = 63 members