A salesperson set a goal to earn $2,500 in August. She receives a base salary of $1,000 per month as well as a 20% commission for all sales in that month. How many dollars of merchandise will she have to sell to meet her goal?



To determine the amount of merchandise the salesperson will have to sell to meet her goal of earning $2,500 in August, we need to consider her base salary and commission.

Step 1: Calculate the commission amount.
The salesperson receives a 20% commission for all sales in that month.
20% of the total sales amount = $2,500 - $1,000 (base salary)
20% of ($2,500 - $1,000) = 20% of $1,500
Commission amount = 0.2 * $1,500
Commission amount = $300

Step 2: Calculate the total sales amount needed.
The total sales amount needed is the sum of the base salary and the commission amount.
Total sales amount needed = $1,000 + $300
Total sales amount needed = $1,300

Therefore, the salesperson will have to sell $1,300 of merchandise in order to meet her goal of earning $2,500 in August.

To find out how many dollars of merchandise the salesperson will have to sell to meet her goal, we can use the following steps:

1. Determine the amount of commission the salesperson will receive for reaching her goal.
- The salesperson's goal is $2,500.
- She receives a base salary of $1,000 per month.
- So, the commission she needs to earn is $2,500 - $1,000 = $1,500.

2. Calculate the total amount of sales required to earn the commission.
- The salesperson receives a 20% commission for all sales in August.
- Let's assume the total amount of merchandise sold as X.
- Therefore, 20% of X is equal to the commission of $1,500.
- Mathematically, 20/100 * X = $1,500.

3. Solve the equation to find the value of X.
- To solve for X, we can divide both sides of the equation by 20/100 or 0.2.
- X = $1,500 / 0.2 = $7,500.

So, the salesperson will have to sell $7,500 worth of merchandise in August to meet her goal of earning $2,500.
