I am using 85% ACS grade phosphoric acid. I need to make a 21% phosphoric acid solution with a total volume of 250ml. I have been told that 37ml of the 85% ACS grade phosphoric acid plus 188ml of Deionized water will create the 21% phosphoric acid solution I need to make. I'm having trouble figuring out how to write out the equation/equations. If the calculations were just based on volume, it would be easy because 21% of 250ml is 52.5ml, but I can't figure out how to factor in the concentration of the phosphoric acid. I know that 85% ACS grade phosphoric acid solution has a density of 1.685g/ml and if I multiply the 37ml x 1.685g/ml, I get 62.345g, if I multiply that mass by the concentration of the ACS grade phosphoric acid (85%), so 62.345g x .85 = 52.99325g. If I divide that mass by the total volume I desire (250ml), I get 0.211973g/ml. How do I need to write this/these equation/equations so that they make sense? Help please.

I think this page will give you the density of the final product, which you need.

If you can't figure it from here, repost.

To write the equation for this problem, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the mass of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) needed in the final solution.
Given that you have 37ml of 85% ACS grade phosphoric acid, you can calculate the mass as follows:
Mass of phosphoric acid = Volume × Density × Concentration
= 37ml × 1.685g/ml × 0.85
= 53.34225g

Step 2: Calculate the volume of deionized water needed.
Since the desired total volume is 250ml and you already have 37ml of phosphoric acid, the volume of water needed is:
Volume of water = Total volume - Volume of phosphoric acid
= 250ml - 37ml
= 213ml

Step 3: Combine the phosphoric acid and water to obtain the desired solution.
The equation can be written as follows:
37ml of 85% ACS grade phosphoric acid + 213ml of deionized water = 250ml of 21% phosphoric acid solution

It's important to note that when calculating the percentage concentration, it is generally expressed in weight/volume (w/v). In this case, the 21% phosphoric acid solution refers to 21g of phosphoric acid dissolved in 100ml of the final solution.

I hope this explanation clarifies how to write the equation for your problem.