what is he difference between < and >

bruh how do you not know this smh

< says "less than"

> says "greater than"

3 < 4 three is less than four

4 > 3 four is greater than three

and by the way
4<=4 four is either less than or equal to four

The symbols "<" and ">" are known as inequality symbols or comparison operators. They are used to compare two values and determine the relationship between them. Here's how they differ:

1. "<" symbol: This symbol represents "less than." It is used to check if one value is smaller or less than another value. For example, the expression "5 < 10" is true because 5 is indeed less than 10.

2. ">" symbol: This symbol represents "greater than." It is used to check if one value is larger or greater than another value. For example, "10 > 5" is true because 10 is indeed greater than 5.

To determine the relationship between two values using these symbols, you simply place them between the values you want to compare. The result will be a boolean value (either true or false) indicating the validity of the statement.

To further illustrate using these symbols, here are some examples:
- 7 < 9 (this is true because 7 is less than 9)
- 3 > 0 (this is true because 3 is greater than 0)
- 4 < 4 (this is false because 4 is not less than 4, they are equal)
- 5 > 8 (this is false because 5 is not greater than 8)

Remember that the direction of the symbol (whether it's pointing left or right) indicates the order of the comparison.