If 2 gulps = 5 slurps, and 2 slurps = 7 sips, then 35 sips is equal to how many gulps?

To determine the number of gulps that is equivalent to 35 sips, we need to use the given conversion rates between gulps, slurps, and sips.

First, we know that 2 gulps equal 5 slurps, which can be represented as:

2 gulps = 5 slurps

Then, we are given that 2 slurps equal 7 sips, which can be represented as:

2 slurps = 7 sips

Since we want to find how many gulps are equivalent to 35 sips, we need to find an intermediate value that relates sips and gulps. To do this, we can combine the two equations mentioned above.

By multiplying both sides of the second equation by 2, we can get the following equivalent equation:

4 slurps = 14 sips

Now, we have a common value (4 slurps) in both equations:

2 gulps = 5 slurps = 14 sips

We can rewrite the equation as:

2 gulps = 14 sips

To find the number of gulps, we divide both sides of the equation by 14:

2 gulps / 14 = 14 sips / 14

Simplifying the equation:

1 gulp = 7 sips

Now we know that 1 gulp is equal to 7 sips. To find the number of gulps that is equivalent to 35 sips, we divide 35 by the number of sips in 1 gulp:

35 sips / 7 sips = 5 gulps

Therefore, 35 sips is equal to 5 gulps.

3 gulps

1 slurp = (2/5)gulps

1 sip = (2/7) slurps

35 sips = 35(1/7)slurps
= 5 slurps
= 5(2/5) gulps
= 2 gulps