The population of a city increases by 4,00 people each year. In 2025, the population is projected to be 450,000 people. What is an equation that gives the city population p (in thousands of people) x years after 2010?

D) p=4x+15************

clearly not D. Using that, p(15) = 60+16 = 75, when the projection states it will be 450

We have a slope (4) and a point (15,450). So, using the point-slope form, we get

p-450 = 4(x-15)

To find the equation that gives the city population p (in thousands) x years after 2010, we need to examine the given information.

We know that the population of the city increases by 4,000 people each year, and in 2025 (15 years after 2010), the population is projected to be 450,000 people.

Since the population is given in thousands of people, we need to adjust the number of people accordingly.

In 2010, the population is assumed to be 0 (since we are measuring the population x years after 2010).

Therefore, in 2025 (15 years after 2010), the population will have increased by 15 * 4,000 = 60,000 people.

To convert this to thousands, we divide by 1,000: 60,000 / 1,000 = 60.

So, after 15 years, the population is projected to be 450 (thousand) + 60 (thousand) = 510 (thousand) people.

Therefore, the equation that gives the city population p (in thousands) x years after 2010 is:
p = 4x + 15 (Option D).